The latest 20th Infocom World 2018 Conference that has been held in Athens, Greece, on November 21, 2018, ( has been considered as “the greatest ICT & Media Conference in South-Eastern Europe” and it is widely regarded as “the major annual meeting of all the digital market stakeholders” in order to implement Digital Transformation, following to current market needs and/or challenges.
In the scope of 5G ESSENCE, 5G-DRIVE and other projects’ dissemination activities, the Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A. (OTE), has organized, in cooperation with partners involved in the aforementioned projects, the following three dedicated Special Sessions: the 5G ESSENCE-based session, the 5G-DRIVE-based session and a third session about modern technologies and wider 5G-related aspects.
In the context of the three above sessions, there have been many opportunities for interactivity and exchange of information and /or experiences between all involved EU-funded projects.
General information about 5G ESSENCE, 5G-DRIVE and wider 5G-related Aspects in Greek can be found online at:
Detailed information about the 5G ESSENCE, 5G-DRIVE and wider 5G-related Aspects Sessions’ uploaded presentations can be found at: