5G ESSENCE at the 20th Infocom World Conference 2018
Friday, November 23, 2018

The latest 20th Infocom World 2018 Conference that has been held in Athens, Greece, on November 21, 2018, (http://www.infocomworld.gr/) has been considered as “the greatest ICT & Media Conference in South-Eastern Europe” and it is widely regarded as “the major annual meeting of all the digital market stakeholders in order to implement Digital Transformation, following to current market needs and/or challenges.


In the scope of 5G ESSENCE, 5G-DRIVE and other projects’ dissemination activities, the Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A. (OTE), has organized, in cooperation with partners involved in the aforementioned projects, the following three dedicated Special Sessions:  the 5G ESSENCE-based session, the 5G-DRIVE-based session and a third session about modern technologies and wider 5G-related aspects.


In the context of the three above sessions, there have been many opportunities for interactivity and exchange of information and /or experiences between all involved EU-funded projects.


General information about 5G ESSENCE, 5G-DRIVE and wider 5G-related Aspects in Greek can be found online at:



Detailed information about the 5G ESSENCE, 5G-DRIVE and wider 5G-related Aspects Sessions’ uploaded presentations can be found at:

