5G ESSENCE has participated to “Milano Digital Week 2019”
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The 5G ESSENCE project has joined the “Milano Digital Week” that has been held in Milan, Italy, on March 13-17, 2019. “Milano Digital Week” is a very important opportunity in the Italian scenario about “Public Administration, Industries and Academia” discussed with citizen and illustrating innovative processes.

In the context of the related event, Wind Tre S.p.A. (partner of the 5G ESSENCE project), has organized a conference dedicated to the 5G, in Milan, Italy, on March 15, 2019. The related session entitled as “Road To 5G” has been an option to discuss the vision, the opportunities and the status of the different experimentations taking place in Italy as well as in cooperation with other European partners (i.e., within the H2020 framework); in particular, the new services development (like 5G applications for security), different possible actors in the ecosystem and the potentialities for services in smart cities have been explored.

Within the respective context, specific emphasis has been to results originating from the actual 5G ESSENCE effort.


During the event, in the context of the strong cooperation among the partners in the 5G ESSENCE consortium, Mr. Antonino Albanese (representative of 5G ESSENCE partner Italtel S.p.A.), has presented the Mission Critical services for public safety (including mission critical push-to-talk (MCPTT) as well as mission critical chat and content delivery services). Besides of the architecture adopted for the creation of the related solution(s) and the capability to cope with the edge network, cooperative aspects among different stakeholders have also been discussed, thus aiming to deliver useful solutions for smart cities and smart communities.

Additionally, Wind Tre has disseminated the advantage of using 5G ESSENCE- based results in many market sectors -or verticals- such as Entertainment, Smart city, Public Safety/Mission Critical contexts.

More information about the event (actually appearing in the Italian language) can be found at:



