5G ESSENCE has performed a successful demo of Use Case 1
Friday, October 4, 2019

The 5G ESSENCE project has successfully demonstrated the first use case (“5G Edge Network Acceleration with local video production and distribution in a Stadium”) at the Egaleo Municipal Football Stadium “Stavros Mavrothalasitis”, in Egaleo-Athens, Greece, on October 02, 2019.

Two football teams had a typical 90 min. match and, through the used 360° cameras, this event has been broadcasted to the eMBMS (evolved Multimedia Broadcast / Multicast Services) enabled UEs (User Equipment) of the involved spectators. A significant number of viewers have attended the game, among them representatives of the Greek Governmental Authorities as well as of the Local Authorities. In the scope of the event, the results of 5G-ESSENCE have been demonstrated to the participating Authorities and a fruitful discussion about the perspectives and opportunities of 5G deployments based upon the 5G ESSENCE framework has taken place.
