CyberLens LTD

CYBERLENS LTD (previously called CapriTech Limited) is an innovative SME specialising in cyber security and privacy engineering. CyberLens offers a team of five senior scientists and engineers, all holding PhDs, in cybersecurity security and privacy, cyber-physical security, cyber defence decision strategies, mobile network security, sensor network security, and having participated in over 30 EU projects prior to joining CyberLens. 

CyberLens was established to undertake both theoretic and applied research, shape the development of complex software, and disseminate knowledge by working hand-in-hand with European large industries, SMEs, research centres and universities. The company's portfolio includes software development, IT research, and business consultancy. CyberLens’s executive team members have a rich track record in developing software, publishing their research in high impact factor venues, attracting research and innovation fund and participating successfully in research and innovation projects.

CyberLens’s focus areas are: 

  • 5G Security, including security for virtualised (NFV/SDN) environments
  • Security and privacy requirements engineering
  • Security and privacy for the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Security for cyber-physical systems (including unmanned robotic vehicles)
  • Security of critical infrastructures (which include large-scale, complex systems such as power and energy systems, healthcare systems, telecommunication networks, etc.)
  • Collaborative intrusion detection and classification
  • Cyber defence optimisation based on game theory

The participation of CyberLens in the project is aligned with the company strategic decision to be involved in the area of 5G networking and security.