Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) is a public institution dedicated to higher education and research that specialises in the fields of architecture, science and engineering. UPC’s schools and research centers are known, nationally and internationally, for the education and training of professionals and for research in these areas. UPC, with almost 30,000 graduate and undergraduate students, it is forward-looking and seeks to teach high quality technical courses that are responsive to the training needs and requirements of traditional, evolving and newly-developing production sectors. Detailed information about UPC can be found in http://www.upc.edu/
The GRCM (Mobile Communications Research Group) research group belongs to the Department of Signal Theory and Communications of UPC. The group focuses its main activity in the area of Mobile and Wireless Communications, where it has been developing research and consultancy activities for both private and public sectors for the last 20 years. The permanent staff of the group consists of three Full Professors, three Associate Professors and two Assistant Professors. Detailed information about the GRCM can be found in http://www.grcm.tsc.upc.edu/
The GRCM research group in UPC has recognised expertise in developing algorithmic solutions for the management and optimisation of wireless and cellular networks. Moreover, it has been deeply involved in different projects related with system architectures for different types of wireless systems (e.g., SESAME, OneFIT, E3, HELP projects). It has also experience in the development of testbeds resulting from the participation in research projects such as OneFIT, E3, FARAMIR, AROMA, EVEREST or ARROWS. In addition, it has participated as project coordinator of different projects (e.g., HELP, AROMA, EVEREST, ARROWS). Based on these considerations, UPC has recognised experience that properly matches with all the activities to be carried out in the project.