FundaciĆ³ i2CAT, Internet i InnovaciĆ³ Digital a Catalunya

i2CAT is a non-profit technology centre which promotes mission-oriented R+D+i activities in Internet Technologies within the ICT industry. The centre stands up for a new model of innovation, the Quadruple Helix, based on collaboration among private companies, public administration, the academic world and end-users, through an open innovation environment that is characteristic of the Internet culture.

The vision of i2CAT is to achieve Internet excellence in research and innovation activities applied to the market needs, and become an international strategic partner driving the deployment of the internet across the economic, industrial and social sectors. Its board is based on an open innovation collaboration model ranging in all sectors mentioned before. Some board members are: Cisco, Orange, Alcatel, Fujitsu, Juniper, Interoute and Vodafone, plus four government departments and the three main technical universities of Catalunya, led by UPC. The strategic objectives of i2CAT are: (i) to integrate research, development and innovation; (ii) to foster co-creation in a Quadruple Helix model (university, companies, public administration and users); (iii) to develop activities within hybrid international and local framework; and (iv) to provide networking and multimedia infrastructures and advanced experimental platforms. The main lines of research and innovation carried out by i2CAT are focused on the following fields: (i) Distributed Applications and Networks; (ii) e-Health and e-Inclusion; (iii) Networked Media and Mobile Graphics; (iv) Mobility and Ubiquitous Technologies; and (v) Industrial Internet.

i2CAT has an extensive experience in multiple research and innovation projects, leading the implementation of Future Internet technologies in the main economic sectors (Health, Audiovisual, Industry, Culture, and Telecommunications) in order to improve productivity and competiveness in companies and the well-being in society. i2CAT activities are concentrated around, but not limited to, novel network services and technologies (fix and mobile), open access networks, sensor networks, e-health, media networks and industrial internet, with special focus on NFV and SDW/N technologies, new clean slate architectures, FI experimentation, sensor networks, IoT, M2M, e-health and NetMedia systems, with relevant EC footprint, currently working in 28 European and 20 National projects.